Music Ministry

Adult Choir

Members: A multi-generational ensemble of singers and musicians in the age range of 7th graders to seasoned citizens. You don’t have to be able to read music or sing like an “angel,” just bring your “bucket” and we will help you fill it with beautiful music.

Children's Choir

Members: All children who have a song in their heart a desire to praise the Lord. Please keep in mind that the children's choir is an opportunity to learn to lead the congregation in worship when determining if your child is old enough to participate.


Sings: For weekend masses and on special occasions

Cantors assist the gathered assembly in singing the prayers of the liturgy to include: the Dialogues, the Propers of the mass, Responsorial Psalm, and the Gospel Acclamation

Cantors and Psalmists must possess a sense of reverence, a good clear voice, confidence, poise and an ability to lead the assembly in sung prayer. The position requires the successful completion of an audition with the director of music.

Self-Directed Groups

These ensembles are open to anyone who wishes to use their gifts to aid our parish in worship. You can join at anytime and the schedule is flexible, allowing you to sing as you are able. 

Sunday 5:00

We are fortunate to be blessed with the talents of the wonderful band who provide our parish with beautiful contemporary music at the Sunday 5:00 pm mass. If you love the music you hear on K-Love, this is the Mass for you.

All Creatures of Our God and King SATB RR Alto


All Creatures of Our God and King SATB RR Bass


All Creatures of Our God and King SATB RR Soprano


All Creatures of Our God and King SATB RR Tenor


All Creatures of Our God and King SATB RR Alto


All Creatures of Our God and King SATB RR Bass


All Creatures of Our God and King SATB RR Soprano


Michelle McLaughlin

For more information, contact:

Michelle McLaughlin


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